Tuesday 29 March 2011

eaSTeR BREAK is coming!

assalamualaikum wbt...

sekian lama xupdate aktiviti kami kan. as expected, sibuk menjadi sebab, or let's say alasan utama.hehehhe. ;)
post yang lepas cakap pasal penantian exam timetable kan? well, dah keluar dah pun. huhuhu. nothing excited to share when we know that we (kami budak2 maths ni) have 3 weeks classes after our final examination. T_T

minggu kemuncak is between 16/5-28/5 where in these two weeks, world will see us struggling with our 2nd year examination. (>_<) awal kan kitorang abis exam =D, however it comes with a big TAPI there because we have  3 weeks classes to attend (informed that the classes will be about 3rd year module which include programming works etc T_T)
astaghfirullah, alhamdulillah, sure it will come with a big HIKMAH too ^_^, we plan, Allah also plans and He is the best Planner.

finish with the exam period and all that, what is more important is updating what's happening right now!!! it's SPRING!!! cooool. sat, awat dok cakap omputih ni. hehhe,sori readers (if any :) ) for the rojak language. anyhow, musim bunga ni la nak tgk bunga cantik2, tulip, daffodil,n macam2 lagi. and also pantang matahari keluar, bertebaran lah mat saleh berjemur, what we call it again? sun bathing? doesn't matter. tapi begitulah suasananya. kita orang2 asia(malaysia khususnya) yang dah biasa dgn cuaca panas lembap, agak sdikit pelik dgn keriangan org2 local menikmati teriknya matahari. begitulah lumrah kehidupan dunia yang diwarnai berbagai bangsa, perangai, budaya dan macam2 lagi, as what Allah said in the holy Quran :

''O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted'' - [Surah al-Hujurat 49:13]

well, time spring ni la banyaknye aktiviti outdoor, ber bbq  terutamanya. nantikan update aktiviti2 kami untuk spring kali ni. 

owh, cuti pun cuti jugak. minggu ni actually revision week. jom study kawan2! every effort counts!

with lotsssssss of lovess,

p/s: lupa plak nak tulis kat atas, time ni la nak pakai shades! aww 

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